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  Crystal quartz (SiO2) and Fused Silica

      Crystal quartz (SiO2) is a very useful material for fabrication of finished optics: laser beamsplitters, AO elements, polarizing optics, prisms, windows, lenses in the ultraviolet because of its high UV, VIS and NIR transmittance, birefringence, ability to rotate plane polarized light, high damage threshold and resistance to scratching. The optical grade material is featured by highest possible transmittance throughout range 190 - 2900 nm, virtual freedom from bubbles and inclusions. Grown boules are Z - crystals and about 100 mm in the direction down optic axis that limits corresponding dimension in an optical part.
      Silicon dioxide occurs naturally as sand or rock and when melted, the resulting product is called Fused Quartz. If the silicon dioxide is synthetically derived, the material is often called Fused Silica. Fused Quartz is very pure, has a high chemical resistance, good thermal shock resistance and is very strong in compression. The low thermal expansion coefficient makes it ideal for mirrors and optical flats. It is used for viewing windows, being transparent to wavelengths from around 0.2 to 3.5 µm, insulators for electronic applications and for semi-conductor manufacturing.



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